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Custom Digitizing
Custom Digitizing Contract Embroidery Turn Key Embroidery



Turn your Logo into Beautiful Embroidery with our Custom Digitizing Service.


  1. E-Mail or Fax the art to us.
  2. We will send a quote for the digitizing cost within 24 Hours.
  3. Your design will be completed normally within 72 hours.
  4. We always sew out designs to assure quality embroidery.
  5. Upon receipt of payment we will e-mail your design to you in whatever machine format you need.

Digitizing Costs

The cost of digitizing a design depends on the complexity of the design.  We do not charge per thousand stitches.  Just because a design may be small it may be very complex and require several hours to create.  Conversely, a large design may not be very complex and may not require much time to create.

Please e-mail or fax your art to us for a digitizing quote.

Design Details - Please provide the following information for your design.

  1. Embroidery Placement
  2. Type of Fabric
  3. Final Size of Design
  4. Type of Apparel
  5. RUSH or ASAP
  6. Embroidery Machine Format

Digitizing Quote Request Form

Have a salesperson contact me. 

        E-mail your art to info@multithreadsemb.com.



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